Sunday, September 7, 2008

NFL, EAGLES, ADS, All kinds of good stuff

The Eagles won their home opener today and it was an awesome, well-rounded win -- offense, defense and special teams plays that kicked serious ass. But are the Rams that bad or the Eagles that good? A test of tests next week. My good friend G is an optimist. He says 16-0.. I say 10-6... But we shall see

Did you see these ads for the new show Hole in the Wall? How is THAT a good idea for a game show? Who are these idiots on the show and who is making money from this shit. Seriously - the networks should be even more concerned by Cable taking over. Smarter programming with Cable TV. Women who like this game must be like women who like Palin - not very informed and not very smart.I'm just saying...

One of the best Ad campaigns I have seen in a long time are the new ads for Corn Syrup - - the basis: "high fructose corn syrup has no artificial ingredients"; is the same as table sugar, etc. The ads are seriously ingenious and remind me a lot of a chlorine campaign I once saw. Must find out who their ad agency is - KUDOS...

NFL - still has the Idiot Tony Siragusa doing sideline commentary. I particularly like it when he goes on rants about catching and tackling and coaching his son. This provides a LOT of value for me.

Troy Aikmen needs to back away from the tanning bed. He is very very orange...

Not sure how I feel about the coin toss defer rule this year. It worked in the Eagles advantage... but, what does it really add?

I went to see The Walkmen last night at the 9:30 Club. Damn the front man can sing. His voice is unbelievable and it was a good early show.

New music listing coming soon