Wednesday, August 6, 2008

more Ad rants

Visa's Olympic ad campaign is "Go World" - Now other than the tagline - I like the ads - the one I just saw was about Phelps not being a dolphin or having fins - good ad - but Go World? Talk about being everything to everyone...

O'm always surprised by local ads and how annoying they are. The repitition of the same phrase over and over always annoys me - but there are three particular ads that are annoyingly effective

John C Flood - The Original
Head On - Apply directly to the forehead - okay this isn't a local ad - but... the thing about this one that pisses me off - its ALWAYS the sponsor for the local on the 8's on the weather channel - which means its in my head all day long...

Eastern Moters - yea - I hate this ad. Hate hate hate.. But damn if its not effective - just typing it makes me have that stupid song in my head.

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