Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Starting 2009. Resolutions, Suggestions and Music

So, 2009 is upon us. And once again, I am going to attempt to keep a running story about some random musings from my life. I know, I know, I said I would do it last year. But I promise, I'll make an attempt to add one post a week - at least.

To keep it interesting. I have lots of surprises in store.

For starters, I finally started back on Despite my last attempt (which included a face licker, bizarro Stuey (reverse bobble head), really old creepy guy who lied about his profile age, the 17 minute date and others (all really bad dates) – I’m giving it another shot. I mean every single guy on there can't actually be a lying, douchebag moron, can they?

First up, this Friday. Now, I'm going in with some hesitations, but following my good friend Vince's suggestion to just start going out with lots of men and eventually someone will surprise me. Now, I know taking love advice from Vince is ironically funny - as he is not the best decision maker when it comes to his own life – but really neither am I and I give great advice. So, Friday night is Denise starts dating. I wont sell out specifics just yet. But stay tuned

Which brings me to Suggestion/Resolution #2. DOn't fall into old/bad habits. Also solid advice from my friend out there on the left coast (and just about every good friend I have here in DC). So, what exactly does that mean... Here's a short list (please feel free to add):

- No dating/getting involved with men who I have previously been involved with. This seems like an obvious one. But a girl needs reminders.

- No more drunk dialing/texting. Obviously this is directly part of the above, but also should stand for those new men that enter my life. It's mostly a product of my love for Belgian Beer. Speaking of...

- No more crying when drinking Belgian beer. Now, I know the obvious solution is to stop drinking it; but let’s be clear. That's just not going to happen.

So bad habits be gone!

Other resolutions... Here is a quick list
- travel more
- go out to new places
- more culture
- run a half and full marathon
- stay injury free
- go to Vail (never been)
- Bring my lunch to work at least twice a week

I'm sure there are some I am leaving out.

I've updated some music and new music posts include the famous Best of Lists will be here soon. You can now subscribe to this on the right hand side. So, please check back often.

Happy New Years, friends.

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