Monday, February 11, 2008

Not so Super ads

Wow - there are a lot of bad advertisements out there. Let’s review a little DK theory.

Superbowl Ads are better when a democrat is in office. Now, I have no proof of this but... think about great, risky, funny and often effective ad campaigns. Ok - got one. Great. Now think about the very first time it registered (maybe 5th or 6th time you actually saw it) [unless it's a real classic] then think about what year it was... Okay - now who was president...

Now, before you start with the hate mail - I haven't had the 20-40 hours or so to actually prove this theory - someday.

Also, the dem FCC is less controlled by religious zealots looking to blame the problems of America's youth on risky ad campaigns.

Next stop... ONDCP Ad campaign... A superbowl ad - UGH!

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