Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I waited. I thought I could wait it out.
That you would eventually see
that connection, that spark, that thing
It's about us, it's about you, it's about me

i just got used to not having you around.
I deleted, I dated, I pretended not to care
I made sure that not matter what
when you asked; I wouldn't dare

So, now I know what I've always known.
Deep inside it was clear
It was never about you, it was about me.
I'm not enough - it's not your fear

I'm sad. And actually, sort of relieved
I'm angry, hurt and full of rage
how could I not be good enough?
How come I end up alone
How can you be one in a million and me just be one.

I will tell her.
It will set me free -
if you for just one second
Don't think to protect me.

I don't want to meet her
I don't care if your happy
I can be civil, I can "forget"
But back me into a corner - you will regret

There are lies -
but bigger than that...
There are truths
That I won't hold back

Insecurity, fear, sadness, darkness
lets talk about responsibility
you like to be chased and now
you have been caught

I won't be the one to call you out
But I don't understand.
How you could be one in a million and
I am just one.

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