Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Do It Yourself Paternity -

So I heard yesterday that there is a DIY paternity test that hit drug stores yesterday... what s Jerry Springer going to do? He has built an entire empire of bad talk show TV on this topic?

Opening Day of the Nationals:
- I don't think the president should be allowed to throw out the first pitch. In addition to it being a huge security CF - it brings absolutely nothing to the game.

ALSO... the Nats have been very clear that they don't want politics in the new stadium - not allowing signs about DC's Taxation without representation signage in the stadium because it's "too Political" But having head jackass throw out the first pitch isn't too political.. It was kind of fun to watch him get booed...

- the Nats seem to need some sort of system for when a vendor employee needs to go to the bathroom. Randomly closing down a line is a bad idea...

- The advertising in the new stadium sucks - who is in charge of that? In addition to the signage being all together lame - there are several areas that are prime spots for advertising and they just sitting there. Also, we have typical stadium - beer, soda, bank, car insurance... where are all the DC cos? No beltway bandits, no satellite radio, no special interest groups? DC has really lost its sense of humor. I wonder.. were the prices for advertising that ridiculous - or is the ad sales team that lame...


just for the record. It's still not appropriate to:
- wear white shoes
- Wear Linen
- wear any sort of summer dress (i.e. pastels, seersucker, etc) with a wool cardigan and tall boots
- wear jean shorts - regardless of the season

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